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Dani Darling

Front End Web Developer

ESL Teacher
Cat Mother
Coffee Lover

About Me

photo of Dani Darling

Hi there, I’m Dani Darling.

I’m a Front End Web Developer specializing in accessible and engaging interactive websites. Learning languages has always been a passion of mine. Once I realized that coding languages created advanced opportunities to communicate, innovate, and collaborate, I was all in. With a background in film and theater production, I enjoy the deep satisfaction of involvement in creative and collaborative experiences, and would love to bring my enthusiasm to your organization!

When I’m not coding, you can find me reading a speculative fiction novel, singing Broadway tunes, hiking in the woods, or all three at once.


Photoshop | Chrome DevTools | CodeSandbox | Responsive Design | FTP Client | Web Hosting | Visual Studio Code


sticky note app

Sticky Note App

An interactive React app that lets users create “sticky notes” plus edit, delete, and search their to-do list items.

Skills: React, JSX, ES6, Data Flow, DOM Manipulation, Local Storage

gem quiz

Gem Quiz

An original project that displays a random gem, or specific gem based on user-selected criteria, to promote healing.

Skills: JavaScript, Flexbox, Clone Node, Data Flow, For Loops, CSS Animation

github repo gallery

GitHub Repo Gallery

A customized responsive gallery of my repositories using GitHub's API to pull data from my GitHub profile. Click on any repo for more details.

Skills: JavaScript, APIs, Loops, DOM Manipulation, CSS Animation

guess the word

Guess the Word Game

An interactive JavaScript game where players guess one letter at a time. Guess all the letters correctly in eight attempts, you win!

Skills: JavaScript, Responsive Design, DOM Manipulation, Loops

unplugged project


A 3-page responsive website built from a Photoshop design comp that adapts to mobile, tablet, and desktop screens.

Skills: Flexbox, Responsive Typography, Photoshop, Media Queries